Your Unique & Personal Information Superhighway

Your Unique & Personal Information Superhighway

Your Unique & Personal Information Superhighway

It is stating the obvious to say that the internet has changed the way we all shop for everything (including mortgages).  We have said in previous ADVICE articles that homebuyers (mortgage consumers) are wise to look for an experienced loan officer to guide them through today’s complicated mortgage landscape.  At LENDAID we have received countless reviews about mortgage loan officers that go “above and beyond,” provide “A+++++” service, and get a “10/10” in meeting needs, answering questions and counseling borrowers.


We can all celebrate that with the explosion of the internet came the “information superhighway” that allows us, with an eye toward discernment (there are many misstatements and falsehoods on the internet as we know), to search for information on just about any topic imaginable.  We can also find reviews around products or companies or advisers to help us make informed decisions about with whom we should do our business.


We cannot over-emphasize the importance of the loan officer in a mortgage transaction. In particular for first time homebuyers a good loan officer will hold your hand through the process, and ensure you are informed and timely in meeting your contract dates.  Our ADVICE to consumers looking for home financing: seek out reputable, independent reviews on what you should expect from a product or service or advisor before moving ahead.  Spend some time searching online for informative feedback from prior customers to inform your decisions. 


At LENDAID we work to provide this service to mortgage consumers.  Alongside our participating lenders we seek feedback from every single closed loan customer in order to help future borrowers make informed decisions around their financing.


One final thought, when seeking out reviews keep the following in mind: volume (we need more than a sole voice or two to form an accurate picture), fresh (recent reviews are ideal), and unbiased (customer feedback, not friends and family).  At LENDAID we work hard to gather trustworthy review content and shed light on mortgage loan officers for the benefit of consumers.  


If you are shopping for the best mortgage for you, click here to search for top rated loan officers in your community.


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